Naming Opportunities

CJC offers several opportunities for you to bolster your legacy at the College. Gifts can be pledged for up to five years, can be given through your estate and recognized right now; and can be given through other financial means such as retirement accounts, real estate and so much more! Contact us and let us find a way that works best for you and your family. Below are some of the available naming opportunities.

Faculty Positions

Deanship/Directorship: $5 million

An endowed deanship provides discretionary funds to support the strategic direction of the College. An endowed deanship will increase the national profile of the college, help fund the recruitment and retention of renowned thought leaders and support new initiatives that elevate the visibility of people and programs. The discretionary funding provided by this gift will provide resources to seed innovative, high-reward research projects for faculty and students across the college.

Eminent Scholar Chair: $4 million

Eminent Scholar Chairs are the highest academic honorary title in the university community and may only be occupied by individuals with senior rank of full professor. Eminent scholar chairs are used to attract and retain individual faculty members who have demonstrated exceptional and groundbreaking work in their field and who have achieved national prominence through their research and service. These academics are likely in fields of high demand and can bring national prominence to the work at UF. In addition to salary, this money funds their research areas.

Chair: $2 million

Chairs are the one of the highest academic honorary titles in the university community and may only be occupied by individuals with senior rank of full professor. Chairs, much like Eminent Scholar Chairs, are used to attract and retain individual faculty members who have achieved national prominence through their research and service in their fields.

Professorship: $1 million

Like Eminent Scholar Chairs, professorships provide the dean of the College of Journalism and Communications (CJC) the resources necessary to compete for and retain nationally ranked faculty in a competitive market for top talent. We have proactively used professorships to reward high achieving faculty who are in their early to mid-career and whose presence adds value to both our students in the classroom as well as their colleagues and Ph.D. students as part of the University’s research endeavor.

Lecturer: $1 million

Lecturers are professionals in the field who come back to the university to teach. These faculty members bring cutting-edge experience and real-world practices to the classroom providing unmatched, hands-on experiences in their classrooms and through their projects. CJC is typically competing with private salaries for these positions, therefore, additional funds are almost always required to attract this type of top talent.

Faculty Fellowship: $500,000

Like professorships, faculty fellowships provide the dean of the CJC the resources to compete and retain nationally ranked faculty in a competitive market for top talent. Faculty fellowships are awarded to full time professors, lecturers or visiting faculty who demonstrate high quality teaching in the classroom.

Assistant Professorship: $500,000

For early-career faculty this is often the first position held in a tenure track after earning a doctorate, although it can also be a non-tenure track position. Offering an assistant professorship is an important tool used for recruitment of especially bright and productive young faculty who will make career-long contributions.

Fellowship: $350,000

Graduate school and postgraduate training costs tens of thousands of dollars per year. Securing a fellowship is one way to help pay for this type of advanced education with full-time focus on academic development. Academic fellowships are awards given to a scholar to pay for academic pursuits. A fellowship is typically a merit-based scholarship for advanced study of an academic subject.

Assistantship: $350,000

Assistantships provide income for graduate assistants (GAs) on a competitive basis to teach (teaching assistantship, TA), conduct research (research assistantship, RA), or carry out other relevant tasks that contribute to the student’s professional development and to the success of the department and college.

Term Fellowship/Visiting Professorship: $300,000

Term Fellowships recognize faculty who are making outstanding research or education contributions in the college’s various areas of study. Faculty fellows are selected based on the strength of their interdisciplinary research, teaching, or other scholarly work. Faculty fellow awards are for a set period of time. Similar to a term fellowship, visiting professorships offer support to a professional in a particular field to teach and are for a set period of time.

Faculty Support Fund: $100,000

A faculty support fund would allow the dean of the CJC to support faculty with research funds, data and travel expenses.

Other Naming Opportunities

Various Space Namings: starting at $100,000

Internship Support Fund: starting at $50,000

Departmental Support Funds: starting at  $50,000

Scholarships: starting at $50,000